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My Story

I believe that we are at a critical time in education.  The very nature of what we call education is changing, and changing fast.  Gone is the one room schoolhouse, and in is the global schoolhouse.  Understanding the issues and importance of online education is critical to the future of all teachers, students and parents.


Here is a link to a document which tells a little more about me.


The following people have inspired me to  analyze the affordances and vulnerabilities of technology. I review their messages as I develop thoughtful and  purposeful  learning experiences for children and adults. Click on the links view videos directly from these brilliant and influential people:


Mimi Ito on Connected Learning, Children, and Digital Media  -  Mimi Ito describes her investigations into the role of social media in school practice.  Her insights inform my awareness of the changing nature of education.


Sir Ken Robinson on Changing Education Paradigms - Sir Ken Robinson addresses current educational reform and the need to shift our paradigms.  His ideas motivate me to be a part of his reform movement.


Pernille Tranberg at TEDxOxford on Digital Identity - Pernille Tranberg enlightens us about various issues surrounding our digital identity.  This MUST SEE video shows how we are tracked, targeted, and marketed by businesses.  The term "big data" had a new meaning to me after viewing this TedTalk.


John Seely Brown on New Ways of Learning in a Rapidly-Changing World - John Seeley Brown elequently describes collaborative learning and knowledge creation in a networked world.  He is a brilliant visionary in my opinion.


Daphne Koller: What we're learning from online education -  Daphne Koller is enticing top universities to put their most intriguing courses online for free -- not just as a service, but as a way to research how people learn.  She informed me of the meaning of Open (Free) Online Education.


James Paul Gee on on Video Games, Learning, and Literacy - James Paul Gee is an expert on how video games fit within an overall theory of learning and literacy.   My eyes were opened about the power of gaming in learning after reading his work and watching this video.


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